Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Preparation for Professionalism

In chapter 2 of Design Professionalism by Andy Rutledge, Andy addresses the issue on the lack of education taught in colleges and that education is something a person must pursue on their own. He feels that most schools aren’t adequately teaching the fundamentals of design which include the elements and principle of design which he believes are key to being a good designer. He states that even if someone is taught something in school that they must further their knowledge on the subject to actually learn. Education is a person’s own responsibility, not the teacher’s. Also, Andy states that a person should never stop pursuing an education because if they do they will become obsolete.

I fully believe in what Andy has to say. I, myself was taught the fundamentals of design, but I agree that a person must always pursue their own education whether they’re in college or not. Whatever someone teaches you it is important to expound on that knowledge so that you can understand to the fullest of your ability. What I loved the most on what he had to say was that if you don’t keep pursing an education you will become obsolete. Concepts are always changing and new ones are being introduced. It is good to keep updating and educating yourself. If you don’t, no one else will. Your education is up to you and you only.

In the article by Gadi Amit titled “American Design Schools Are a Mess, and Produce Weak Graduates,” Amit also talks about how colleges lack the education that should be taught to students. He believes that the curriculums across the different colleges are too diverse, and he doesn’t know what to look for when reviewing portfolios to hire people for his company. He feels many portfolios he reviews lack the ability to integrate seamlessly all levels of creativity and only show 3D CAD work and process work.

Well, after reading this blog by Amit, I researched the company he is president of and his company is a design agency that creates products across the physical and digital business categories. He isn’t looking for graphic design as much as he is product design. This was of a little more comfort to me after previously reading that he believes the design education system today is failing many aspiring young students and that he’s finding that the impressive academic credentials of most students don't add up to the basic skills he requires in a junior designer. It is not to say though that colleges need to make their curriculums more alike and up to standards. That’s why I still believe it is important to pursue your own education outside of college and learn all you can from wherever you can. You can never stop learning!

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