Just as there are several steps in producing a website, there can be several team members who help produce it, especially if it is a large website. Some of these members include people such as project stakeholders or sponsors, web project managers (account executives and quality assurance testers), usability leads, information architects, art directors (web graphic designers, interactive designers, media specialists), web technology leads (web application programmers, web page engineers, database administrators, web systems experts or webmasters), site production leads (html page coders), and site editors (site copywriters, content domain experts).
Among all the web design positions I think I would most likely enjoy being an art director or web graphic designer. According to the Web Style Guide, 3rd edition, the art director’s primary responsibility is the overall look and feel for the web site, establishing the site typography, visual interface design, color palette standards, page layout details, and the particulars of how the graphics, photography, illustration, and audiovisual media elements of the site come together to form an integrated whole. I believe I would find this position most interesting for myself because I already have experience in graphic design. I would only have to learn how to incorporate it into web design.
- Learning Web Design by Jennifer Niederst Robbins (3rd Edition)
- http://webstyleguide.com/wsg3/1-process/2-development-team.html